Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Wedding List
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Wedding List
Claire & Olivier's Wedding

Wedding List
1er juin 2024
Mariage Claire & Olivier
1er juin 2024
Thank you for checking out this page. Our wedding list is a free contribution which we will use to plan trips around the world so that we can continue to share our travel tips with you, to get the proper gear for our next sport challenges, but mostly to prepare the arrival of a child in the years to come.
Thanks again and lots of love!
Olivier Lugand
IBAN : FR30 3000 2004 7600 0069 2275 Q84
Revolut : +33663044626
Claire Thollot
IBAN : FR69 2004 1010 1709 3741 9S02 879
Revolut : +33627592592