Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Thodoris Mermigas Band
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Thodoris Mermigas Band
Claire & Olivier's Wedding

Thodoris Mermigas Band

Friday night - Welcome dinner

We met Thodoris Mermigas and his band 2 weeks before the wedding as we were heading back to our place after dining at an athenian restaurant. Hearing singing form the street through the open door of a bar we stumbled upon, we stopped. "They seem pretty good right, let's check them out for a while". "Ok they're good, it would be really cool to have them for the welcome dinner what do you think? Let's try we never know". As they barely speak english, it's a mircale that they finally made it to Kinsterna, also thanks to our greek friend Maria who helped us during the process. Their bar is very nice and the cocktails are delicious, go there on your next trip to Athens: ArTeo music bar
