Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding


Sunday - Festival

We proudly highlighted Olivier's roots from Toulouse when reaching out to Benjamin from ProleteR, inviting his band to play on Sunday evening. These guys are extremely nice and true music geeks, and even if they were a bit concerned about where they were headed, they agreed to pack their bags, even though, as they told us, "we usually never do this." And they almost didn't make it because, guess what, they missed their flight to Greece on Saturday! We had to handle everything from the pool, but honestly, they were amazing. If you see them again, be cool to them, they truly deserve it. We can't wait to go and check them out on stage again, and hear their jazz-hop tunes that we love so much! If you want to go further into the discovery, click here.
