Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding


Saturday - Ceremony

Olivier walked down the aisle with "By the Sun" from Kimberose, composed by Sofiane Pamart. It's been a while since we are following this artist and her powerful voice, proudly representing the new french soul scene. Releasing a new album in late September, she will tour around France from next Fall up until 2025 and we obviously already have our tickets. It's along with Simon, who animated the ceremony, that Olivier discovered Kimberose at her concert in Cergy. Claire unfortunately missed a wonderful performance, very rare are those who have this stage presence. She managed to motivate the audience to rise and dance even though it was clear that the people originally came to remain seated. If you can attend one of here concert, you definitely should (if possible not at Pleyel concert hall), she's really worth it.
