Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
La Fanfare Eyo'nlé
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
La Fanfare Eyo'nlé
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
La Fanfare Eyo'nlé

Sunday - Festival
It was during a trip to Benin that Olivier discovered this group, at the end of the stay after two weeks that were both overwhelming and challenging. These brothers were nurtured in their childhood by the French songs you have heard, played on repeat by their father at the time, likely through an old CD that made its way there. Now established in Lyon with the help of French artists who assisted them in settling, they now play concerts in France and abroad whenever the opportunity arises. After quickly traveling through Benin, but especially after passing through Ouidah, Olivier was particularly moved by their rendition of "Lily" by Pierre Perret, a song he discovered on this occasion, accompanied this time by piano and guitar. We have the video of this moment and a few others from the concert in Cotonou, and we would be happy to show these to you someday. After rediscovering them together in Achères, we did everything to introduce them to you in Greece and had to deal with visa issues, a problem unfortunately quite common in this type of situation. We will see them again on stage soon, that's for sure!