Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding
Claire & Olivier's Wedding


Saturday - Party

From his real name Augustin Santenac, we discovered this rising star at the very beginning, while he never really had performed in a proper concert venue. With his 2 videos on Youtube, we rushed to contact his new agency allofloride without really believing that this would go anywhere, as this agency casually also manages Bob Sinclar, Bon Entendeur, Etienne de Crécy or Infected Mushrooms among others. Stars were really aligned for this private gig, in other circumstances and with a different timing, this would simply not have been possible and it certainly will not be possible anymore. While the wedding was weeks away, we went to see Bomel's new show at La Cigale concert venue for a show that was quite crazy! "If everything goes well, we will have this at the wedding, can you believe it !!"...Let's be honest we were really stressed that he would eventually cancel or just don't come, but he made it! We will see him again for sure, shall we go altogether :)? If he keeps up like this, he definitely has a bright future ahead. To be continued...
